How I See San Francisco: Shuggie's Kayla Abe | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
凯拉·阿贝是任务的Shuggie's Trash Pie和丑泡菜公司 .的共同所有人.

Shuggie's Kayla Abe

凯拉·安倍正在努力消除饥饿,同时保护我们的气候. We asked her about her favorite things in San Francisco.

If you want to have a truly genuine San Francisco experience, then you have to consult the experts: our friendly locals. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, and always ready with a recommendation for what to do, 看到, 或吃, San Franciscans of all types have been part of our ongoing "How I See San Francisco" 系列.

除了一个 岛监狱 和叮当 缆车在美国,贝博体彩app可能与美味的美食和创造性思维联系在一起. 你不知道吗?我们找到了一家本土公司,将这两者结合起来.

凯拉·阿贝在一家专注于可持续农业的非营利组织工作时遇到了大卫·墨菲, an experienced chef about to open his own restaurant, at San Francisco's Ferry Plaza Farmers Market. 这些吉祥的开端很快发展成为他们的激情项目,丑泡菜公司., a company with a mission to reduce food waste, mitigate climate change, and share the bounty of Northern California's farms.


What does a typical day in San Francisco look like for you?

我们很幸运,住在我们最喜欢的咖啡烘焙机附近, 白咖啡, so we often head to their Potrero Hill location to start the day. 我一天的大部分时间都在做我的全职工作,在 燕麦, but throughout the day and into the evening, 我还负责公司的零售拓展和营销涂鸦, 丑泡菜公司., and closing out our investment round for our upcoming restaurant, Shuggie's Trash Pie + Natural 酒 在 任务

大卫的日子都被舒吉的准备工作占据了,无论是与城市规划还是R&D-ing recipes for our opening menus. Evenings are kicked off with a stop at Ruby酒 和朋友打个招呼,买瓶天然葡萄酒回家吃晚饭. A couple of hours of play with the pup, 快速锻炼, 以及当天的《贝博体彩》填字游戏也挤在了日程表的某个地方. 

Which neighborhood, other than your own, do you like to explore?

我们喜欢住在波特雷罗山,大部分时间都在教会度过. It's a treat to make the journey out to 海洋海滩, though, and grab poke from 钩鱼公司. Or, meander through 北海滩 最后在华盛顿公园因为冲动购买了太多的佛卡夏面包而结束.

Where do you like to view sunrise and sunset?

Sunrise feels so warm from Telegraph Hill. Our favorite sunset is on the beach below 海水浴场

What's your favorite annual event that happens in San Francisco?

One of my absolute favorites is the Stern Grove Festival. 这是一个纯粹崇拜这座城市的时刻:坐在树林中, looking down on the stage with a bottle of wine, 免费观看Toots and maytal(但如果可以的话一定要捐款).

Tell us about the 丑泡菜公司. It’s a pretty unique concept, 把难看的蔬菜做成别的东西. Where did you get your inspiration for your business? Is there a specific place in San Francisco that inspired this idea?

丑泡菜公司. is our climate solutions company, 在哪里,我们将不符合化妆品标准的农产品和农场剩余产品升级再利用,以制造时髦产品, fresh pickles and tasty condiments.

这家公司是我和大卫在轮渡广场农贸市场(Ferry Plaza Farmers Market)与农民朋友的谈话中诞生的. While shopping there on Saturdays, 我们从农民那里了解到食物浪费对经济和环境的破坏性影响.

丑泡菜公司. 是出于修复我们食物系统中这些断裂环节的愿望而诞生的吗. 我们正在努力教育消费者,让他们知道吃我们升级回收的泡菜可以对环境产生积极的影响, while also reducing waste and tackling climate change. 通过提供美味, sustainable pantry alternatives, 我们想让消费者毫不犹豫地选择对气候有益的食物.

Where do you get your produce? 游客怎样才能品尝到北加州令人难以置信的水果和蔬菜呢?

We source all our produce direct from local farmers. Most are within 100 miles of San Francisco. 我们很幸运能在全国最具活力的农业中心. 这种邻近体现了贝博体彩app人对食物和农业的崇敬, and drives innovation for companies like ours.

渡口广场农贸市场是体验加州美食的好地方, 来自全州的100多家供应商每周聚在一起三次,出售令人兴奋的各种农产品. 周六早上的渡轮广场农贸市场是我们最喜欢去的地方之一.


Last meal would definitely be at 罗罗语. Even more incredible than the food is their immense hospitality. 和很棒的人共度一个夜晚,喝一杯喝不完的梅斯卡尔酒,这是什么都比不上的.

Which restaurant is still on your list to dine at in San Francisco?

We still have not made it to 棕榈城葡萄酒. 布恩女皇 is also on the list. 

San Francisco prides itself on being a welcoming destination. 作为亚洲社区的一员,你在贝博体彩app的经历是怎样的?

我感到很幸运,我在几个社区长大,这些社区都有我的中国和日本背景. 在一个和你一起庆祝文化活动、排队吃你小时候吃过的食物的城市长大,会让你产生一种特殊的归属感.

What should every visitor to San Francisco do at least once?

在克莱门特街的点心店里买一份自助外卖野餐 金门公园.

What’s one part of San Francisco that you wish visitors knew about?

Aquatic Park is this gorgeous, scenic respite just steps away from 渔人码头. 我很喜欢, despite being nestled within a major visitor destination, there are so many ways locals engage with this little beach. 高中时,我喜欢在周末晚上跳上“巴尔卢塔”号,听海上唱诗班. 今天,我们喜欢偶尔在日出前去那里,在海湾里快速、凉爽地泡一泡.


I love taking folks to the little dive bar 李白 in 唐人街 for mai-tais and dice. 我爷爷年轻时在那里工作过,我想这里应该没有什么变化吧. 

Any final advice for visitors coming to San Francisco?

到处走走! It's such a dense city with so many distinctive 社区, you can only get the full experience while walking through it.