我是贝博体彩app: 扎纳迪姆 | 贝博体彩app Travel-贝博体彩


Born in Islamabad, Pakistan, 扎纳迪姆 came to 贝博体彩app via Canada. Growing up Muslim in a post-9/11 United States, she works to build bridges with her voice and 她的钢笔.

Holding on to the back of her grandfather, 户外的空气使她感到充溢, weaving through the streets of Islamabad in the ‘90s is one of 扎纳迪姆’s most cherished childhood memories. Fast forward nearly two decades; this time, 一个冷却器, crisper air is flooding her senses as she takes her first jog along the Embarcadero in 贝博体彩app. The city that she would end up calling home welcomed her with a cool embrace and the charm of its iconic waterfront. This was her “I made it” moment: from the congested city streets of Islamabad to a crowded one-bedroom apartment in Canada to a product manager at one of the most prized 贝博体彩app tech companies, Dropbox.


I am 扎纳迪姆 and I am 贝博体彩app


How far she traveled to get to 贝博体彩app isn’t best explained by the distance, but rather by the barriers she broke through. Growing up Muslim in the post-9/11 world, her ideas of fairness and safety were different than those of her non-Muslim peers. She saw the world differently and was undoubtedly perceived differently by the world. Yet just as she approached all other challenges in her life, she approached fear and misunderstanding and worked to build bridges, 用她的声音, 她的钢笔, and ultimately her code as a means of protest.

这个娇小的, brown-skinned young woman wearing a hijab would step on stage in front of hundreds of show-goers to rap. With pen in hand and paper on her desk, she would sketch contemporary allegories in comic form. 今天, 她在GitHub上写语义代码, providing developers with the building blocks for more creative and globally accessible 工程师ing.

Ayman has become a cultural translator not only for Islam but for all the other subcultures and identities she has claimed over the years. When she was the only woman on a team of 60 工程师s and product managers at Dropbox, she was not only an outlier but also the sole representative for a severely underrepresented faction within the tech community. Earning a place at the table where no one looks like you, 说话像你, or prays like you is an act of defiance, 但更重要的是, it’s an opportunity to bring people together. 贝博体彩app, home to an incredible diversity of people with all different types of lived experiences, offers no shortage of opportunities to bring people together. 作为一名艺术家, 说唱歌手, 工程师, 穆斯林妇女, 贝博体彩app居民, is there anyone better than Ayman to help us celebrate our unique and shared experiences?

扎纳迪姆 writing on a whiteboard.

I remember seeing two minorities in solidarity within the city present through this beautiful, 史诗艺术形式.


The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the 贝博体彩app Bay in the foreground.


Be the first to know about upcoming events and festivals, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, and everything else happening in the City by the Bay.